Metalworking Technology, Past and Present

3 Reasons to Consider Opening a Mobile Welding Business

As a welder, you may find that freelancing works best for your schedule and for your needs. However, the freelance jobs may not provide you with the ongoing work you are looking for or may have certain guidelines that require you to buy more equipment that you will not use after that job ends. One way to solve this issue and still work as a freelancer is to start your own mobile welding business. If this idea is something you haven't considered, here are three reasons you should.

1. Ability to Choose Specific Jobs

As a mobile welding business owner, you can choose to narrow down your welder's niche to specific job types. This allows you to network with people needing the specific services you offer making you stand out from general welders offering similar services. Also, you can narrow down your specific welder services based on your strengths rather than taking jobs that may take you longer due to lack of experience with specific equipment or styles of welding.

2. Ability to Travel for Larger Jobs

As a mobile welder, you have the equipment and the ability to take on larger jobs that require travel. You will have your own equipment so most of the travel expenses can be covered in your fees. You can also take jobs that may require travel and are offered by larger companies or corporations. For example, a corporate hospital chain may be upgrading one of their facilities and need welders to come in for a short time. If you meet their qualifications, you can apply and accept the job for that short time while bringing in larger pay that you would not normally get from typical welder jobs in your area.

3. Ability to Build Your Business as Needed

One of the key benefits that many welders see with a mobile welding business is the ability to build that business. As time goes, you can create a business that has multiple mobile units. You can expand your business to have other welders working for you as employees or freelancers. You can also use this bigger team and multiple mobile units to work with recruiters who are seeking qualified welders for large jobs on specific deadlines. These all allow you to build your business at your own pace and to your own desires.

If the idea of starting your own mobile welding business sounds appealing to you, visit your local welder's supply store. You will need to make sure you have not only the equipment you need, but the mobile options that will help you transport the equipment on the site for the jobs you are taking. You also need to consider talking to a business advisor to incorporate your business and to set up options for possible welders you bring on your team.